Business History News for Week of May 28th – June 1st

In business you build upon past successes as well as innovation. Here is a look at this week in history and what achievements promoted business growth then.


May 28th  

  • opening of Great Western Railway from Goderich to Fort Erie, Ontario, 1858
  • discovery by Albert Rogers of the (Rogers) pass which gave the Canadian Pacific Railway a viable route through the Selkirk Mountains in British Columbia, 1881
  • launch of Canada’s first commercial electric railway in Windsor, 1886
  • presentation of On with the Show, first all-color talking movie in New York, 1929
  • founding of Volkswagen Motors, 1937
  • presentation of Melody, first animated 3-D cartoon in Technicolor, 1953
  • release of Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) by CompuServe, 1987


May 29th

  • ratification of the US Constitution by Rhode Island as the last of the original 13 colonies gets the “business” of America rolling, 1790
  • opening of Canadian commerce to US citizens after War of 1812 ends, 1815


May 30th

  • patent by William Young for the ice cream freezer, 1848
  • opening of telegraph line from Saint John, New Brunswick to St. Andrew’s and US border, part of Atlantic Cable link to New York, 1851
  • charter of Hamilton & South Western Railroad, Hamilton, Ontario, 1855


May 31st

  • creation of the Bank of British Columbia by Royal Charter, 1862
  • opening of Madison Square Garden sports complex, 1879
  • passenger service begins for the Kettle Valley Railway between Penticton, BC and Spences Bridge, 1915


June 1st

  • launch of Action Comics #1 featuring Superman written by Jerry Siegel of Chicago and drawn by Joe Shuster of Toronto
  • founding of Nissan Motor Company, 1934
  • successful Trans-Canada Airlines first non-stop flight from Toronto to Vancouver, 1957
  • launch of Trans-Canada Airlines jetliner service from Montreal to London, 1960
  • launch of CNN, 1980

It was a good week for business then, the Buzz Bear Media team hopes you make it a good one for you and your customers this week!