Nestled between written content and video in the social media universe, exists a strange group of figures called emojis. These are small digital images used to express an idea or communicate a message playfully (or sarcastically) without using words. You’ve seen them. Happy face. Sad face. Today, 157 new emojis join the existing universe that you can already find on your computer and cell phone.
While you may not use many — if any — in your business correspondence or ads, emojis can be a nice touch for social media contact with customers, such as with Twitter and Facebook posts. And most certainly used by customers, irate or ecstatic, contacting you through email or Messenger or any social media platforms. It is to your advantage to know what mood customers are trying to express through their use of emojis.
Fair warning, not all emojis will appear at once, or even uniformly on various media. Operating systems for mobile such as Android & iOS usually delay integration until after release date. Same applies to social media platforms such as Twitter & Facebook. Most likely these systems and platforms will all be on board by the end of the year.
What Are Among the New Emojis?
- Joining the animal jungle are: badger, lobster, microbe, mosquitoe, hippo, kangaroo and raccoon.
- Found on the food list are: bagel, cupcake, hot dog and lettuce.
- Populating the people parade include: superhero, supervillain, male & female genie, and red haired (ginger haired) options.
- Odds and ends include: magnet, shopping cart, fire extinguisher, DNA string, and a roll of bathroom tissue.
For the full list by scrolling format, as well as a cute little video, check out the Emojipedia (yes, why did you not think there was such a thing?) website.
While these visual shortcuts can be taken lightly, emojis represent an accepted form of communication in the 21st century digital marketing landscape that every B2B and B2C business should respect. Let the Buzz Bear Media team assist you with understanding the language your customers are speaking.